Saturday, October 23, 2010

My First Time

I was a faithful (other brand) user for years.  At some point towards the end of high school or possibly the beginning of college I realized the value and logic to washing your face regularly.  And when a friend started selling (other brand) I started buying.  First and foremost because I was a good friend, but secondly because I knew I ought to be using something on my face regularly.  I liked what they had to say, and at the time I liked how it made my skin feel. I used the product faithfully, even switching between programs, following consultant suggestions and figuring out what would work best for my skin and, more importantly, my lifestyle. I used it for 5 years or so, maybe.  As with many things in life, one loses track of the timing after the time has passed. 

Then a very dear friend of mine sent me an invitation to this L'Bri thing.  She had bad acne.  Cystic, painful, red, very self-conscious-ness generating. I didn't have any of that.  I got a blemish or two only around my "cycle" and those weren't all that bad.  I was, however, a "picker."  I'd pick at my blemishes and pop them etc.  So I had some scarring on my chin, but nothing to make me all that self-conscious, and certainly nothing noticeable enough to deter me from picking.

Now, what you probably do not yet know about me, is that I am an incredibly Loyal person.  Like, ridiculously so.  I find anything I like or appreciate, and I will be Loyal to the END of Time.  I am incredibly disappointed when a manufacturer stops making my favorite conditioner or hair creme or brownie mix or whatever.  Having been a Loyal user of (other brand) for years, and having helped a couple of different friends maintain their sales quotas with (other brand) I debated the merits of going to this L'Bri thing my dear friend was having.

In the end, Loyalty to my Friend won out over Loyalty to my Brand.

4 years later, I can say,

I am so glad it did!

We participated in the Lesson and used the product right on our own faces.  We did this masque thing they had on only half of your face so you could see the actual difference.  Which was dramatic for some and noticeable for others. My friends noticed the smile lines around my mouth had faded, but then I was only halfway into my 20s, so I didn't have much "aging" to work on yet. ;)

The consultant spent some time going through one of their brochures and talking about the ingredients in most cosmetics products.  She said that most products have a first ingredient of water, but that L'Bri used Aloe Vera Barbadensis instead of water.  She told us how Aloe is a natural anti-inflammatory and therefore, very good for you skin.  She told us how L'Bri only uses natural ingredients in as pure of a state as they can access.  She explained that the only scent or color in any of the products came from the actual ingredients contained therein, i.e. the cleanser is green because it contains chlorophyll, which is the same stuff that makes plants green.  She also explained some of the chemicals used in most other brand's products and how those were detrimental to your skin and could actually accelerate the aging process. 

I'll be honest, I was a bit cynical.  Anyone can print a pretty brochure and tell you "facts" about this ingredient or that chemical, but the proof is in the pudding ... or the cleanser as it were.  But, I can honestly say, by the time we were done with the demonstration, I was very impressed with how my skin actually felt.  I wasn't sure yet if I bought into all their propaganda (which is what I basically called it in my head) but I did know that I had bought into the results of using the product.

I ordered the "just starting off" set and was quite impatient to get it in the mail. And I went so far as to book my own lesson because their Hostess Program at the time, was to give you a free Masque when you hosted your own qualifying lesson.  And, believe me, after seeing some of the dramatic results around my friend's table ... i wanted that masque.

After learning what I did about the ingredients, having felt the product on my skin, and having ordered a set, I had a very difficult time going home and continuing to use (other brand) until my L'Bri set came.  But I did, because I am Good Follower and "they" tell you to wash your face every night and every morning.  I was so excited when my products came in the mail.  And I had a great lesson of my own and expanded my product set.

That was 4+ years ago.  And I can still say that I am incredibly grateful to my friend for inviting me.  And grateful to my God for prompting me to go and help my friend out, because L'Bri has truly changed the course of my life.   I use a product I believe in.  I have an opportunity I can share with confidence.  I became a part of a company I could represent proudly.

And I am excited about what the future holds.  For L'Bri.  And, for me.

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